Thursday, December 8, 2011

Choir + Soccer + Science = bad at life

I realize I havent blogged in a while, but I have super duper busy. I got the solo in choir. What song you ask? It is a line out of a song about harmony, and love, and peace, and a bunch of other stuff that isn't reality. I had another soccer game today... didn't play. It was about 30 degrees out there, and boy was I cold! As of now, I get about three people telling me how great I played after a game. Compliment? No, I didn't play. Joke? Most likely, because during league I was really talented. I am so athletic, but soccer is not my forte. Also, I have all A's, except for Science. 91. So darn close. Today we took an open notes test, so I am hoping I did fabulous on it. It was forty question, and I probably would've gotten a 0 if it weren't for those notes. I worked right up to the bell, and finished. Aargh! Tommorow is the solo performance of my line, and I am so so nervous. I mean it's only a line. I'll be fine! Hopefully.

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