Monday, November 28, 2011

Soccer. Not. My. Sport.

Well, last year I started soccer on a league team with my best friend Maison. We were the stars of the show, and were the only reason we won any games. So naturally, I tried out for my school team. It went from being in the whole game to playing the last fifteen minutes and that was only if we were winning. So tonight we played Ocean Springs, the only team we haven't beat, and I don't go in at all. Along with three others who have played league for forever. So yeah, I sat on the freezing bench for an hour. Afterwards, we had to watch the boys play, and I was not sitting on a feezing bench for a whole other hour. Me and a few other girls went to the bus. We ate grapes. Others were also eating grapes. Well, these others made a total mess. Plus, we lost both the boys and the girls game. Now we are sitting on the bus silently. Now I am blogging because I cant speek with my mouth.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

turtle time!

Right about now I am skyping with Madeline Appel, hoot hoot. Skype Partay! Skype is such a cool thing because for the low price of free you see and hear through this little dot on the top of your computer. Well, like I have adressed earlier I got a papasan chair, and during this skype session the top of it has become a turtle shell. Also, we have expressed our fear of the color black, and I have discovered that her personality consists of blue and purple. Snazzy! I have also given her a tour of my newly decorated bedroom. I have talked about my bedroom so much, I feel like I need a new word for it to keep things spicy and fresh. So, my crib has become the new hangout.. for my cat. I keep finding her nested away in baskets. When I walk into my room her golden eyes stare me down, then she bolts for the door. I try to pick her up, and she hisses at. Evil.

blog title

Well, today I did nothing, but apparently if I don't blog everyday I will lose 800 followers. To bad I only have 3. As I said in previous blogs, I am redoing my bedroom, and today my furniture came in. YAY! It's almost done, except for picture frames.. Then, my eyesight went blurry, and that only could mean two things, I am going blind or a migraine. This was only my 4th one, but they know how to occupy a whole day! So, I took a nap, and now I am watching the MSU game. Hail State! Thats about it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Friday, Black Friday Gotta Get Down on Black Friday

Tonight I went shopping for Black Friday. There were loads of crazy sells, and crazy peope. We went to Claire's first just to check out the earings, and there was this sale going on were if there was a red mark on the tag it was just one dollar. Everything else was buy one get one half off. There was a ton of cute stuff, plus the prices were crazy low. Next, we went to J. Crew where there was a corner where everything was already marked down like forty percent, and then everything in the corner was fifty percent off! Now to the crazy people, I was there in a sweatshirt, and jeans. I was cold. Then, there were like five girls walking around in the shorts, and when I say shorts I mean like a centimeter shorter, and you could see a whole cheek! Well, It's pretty distracting, and I was so mesmerized by how they were not shivering a clinging to eachother for body heat, I walked right off the curb! I guess they noticed me and everytime I saw them after that they just kind of stared at me! Then, there were the people who were wearing pajamas(anything from footie p.js, to flannel, to old women who had matching purse holders). There was this one girl who had on this Santa Clause outfit that was like footy pajamas. This year was my first year going at midnight and I could barely stay awake enough to try clothes on. Sooo, I spent most of my time in Bath & Body Works, and they had great sales! I bought lotion, room freshers, aroma therapy all for $17.00. Okay, so it's 1:18 in the a.m. and I have more shopping to do tommorow. Goodnight!

Gobble Baby Gobble

Today is the last Thursday of November also known as THANKSGIVING. My whole family comes over, and we eat, watch football, catch up, and just have a great time. My whole family doesn't get along perfectly,but no ones does. Thanksgiving is always a day we get along, or atleast pretend to. Today we got my 85 year old grandparents playing football, and I realize just how thankful I am to still have them. Niether of them are doing awesome, but sitting in the living room throwing around the nerf football, you could see a healthier them come out. And now, were on to Black Friday. I love love love to shop, and right now were re-doing my bedroom, and its looking great. Tommorow we are loading up on room accessories. Personally my favorite place to room shop is Pier 1. I love all of the pillows, and there papasan chairs are just really cute. Sales are like my forte, though, the feeling of getting a hundred dollar article of clothing for fifty dollars is just super exilerating to me. I hate the crowds, thats the only flaw of black Friday. But guess whats next... Christmas! Christmas is my favorite holiday! Plus, this year is the first year I get to go on my church's ski trip. I went skiing when I was six, its been a while, but I am very excited. I have four friends going, and we are going to ski like nobodys business. haha. I have have school for three weeks between breaks, but I have a feeling they won't fly by as fast as I want them, too.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Facebook for Dummies

Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. I dont want to sound like a rule book, but somethings, some people need to understand. Don't post every five seconds about random stuff no one cares about. Dont't put up facebook statuses that you wrote indirectly to someone because most likely they no your talking to them, and you look kind of dumb. Don't stick yourself in the middle of someone elses argument, it's abnoxious, and your just sticking yourself into drama that has nothing to do with you! But what gets on my nerves the most is when you put how much God is important to you, or how you love him, and then have half naked pictures of yourself everywhere. Or you making out with boys, especially when there is multiple boys. Your body was carefully crafted, have some respect for it! When you put something mean it's just like talking to their face, and when you say something nice why not tell them in person. A compliment can always brighten someones day. lolzzz gets to me because whats wrong with haha because you would never hear a funny joke and then say laughing out loud, or rolling on the floor laughing. I can understan laughing my ass off, but thats about it! I remember when everyone was just getting facebooks, and no one understood boundaries! That was fun because there was so much juicy drama, and new relationships every five freaking seconds, but it's not fun anymore. This is why I have become a blogger.

p.s. i like to tweet, too.

Rule To Live By.

In middle school, there are goths, emos, preps, and any other unnessecary grouping a teenage mind could come up with. By superficial placement i am a prep, one of the "popular kids". It's stupid we all know but thats just the way we live our lives. I have a friend who i have grown up with all my life, we didn't exactly fall into the same category, but i still really enjoy her company. i never have it though because we haven't hung out until, lets say, the second grade. she stopped going to church, stopped talking to me, and naturally we fell apart, but it never has to be that way. My friends and i gossip, but who doesn't. i know i get gossiped about, and gossip about other girls. But really no one cares about your opinion when it comes to gossiping because they have friends who tell her the opposite, and you have friends who tell you your right. Some of the stuff girls can say is just plain mean, plain stupid, and plain dumb. Rumors get around, and ruin friendships, and relationships. If we could all live by plain and simple rules, the ones that no ones listens to, the ones our parents tell us about. Everything would be easy as pie.

treat others as you want to be treated