Monday, November 28, 2011

Soccer. Not. My. Sport.

Well, last year I started soccer on a league team with my best friend Maison. We were the stars of the show, and were the only reason we won any games. So naturally, I tried out for my school team. It went from being in the whole game to playing the last fifteen minutes and that was only if we were winning. So tonight we played Ocean Springs, the only team we haven't beat, and I don't go in at all. Along with three others who have played league for forever. So yeah, I sat on the freezing bench for an hour. Afterwards, we had to watch the boys play, and I was not sitting on a feezing bench for a whole other hour. Me and a few other girls went to the bus. We ate grapes. Others were also eating grapes. Well, these others made a total mess. Plus, we lost both the boys and the girls game. Now we are sitting on the bus silently. Now I am blogging because I cant speek with my mouth.

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