Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Friday, Black Friday Gotta Get Down on Black Friday

Tonight I went shopping for Black Friday. There were loads of crazy sells, and crazy peope. We went to Claire's first just to check out the earings, and there was this sale going on were if there was a red mark on the tag it was just one dollar. Everything else was buy one get one half off. There was a ton of cute stuff, plus the prices were crazy low. Next, we went to J. Crew where there was a corner where everything was already marked down like forty percent, and then everything in the corner was fifty percent off! Now to the crazy people, I was there in a sweatshirt, and jeans. I was cold. Then, there were like five girls walking around in the shorts, and when I say shorts I mean like a centimeter shorter, and you could see a whole cheek! Well, It's pretty distracting, and I was so mesmerized by how they were not shivering a clinging to eachother for body heat, I walked right off the curb! I guess they noticed me and everytime I saw them after that they just kind of stared at me! Then, there were the people who were wearing pajamas(anything from footie p.js, to flannel, to old women who had matching purse holders). There was this one girl who had on this Santa Clause outfit that was like footy pajamas. This year was my first year going at midnight and I could barely stay awake enough to try clothes on. Sooo, I spent most of my time in Bath & Body Works, and they had great sales! I bought lotion, room freshers, aroma therapy all for $17.00. Okay, so it's 1:18 in the a.m. and I have more shopping to do tommorow. Goodnight!

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